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Your Vote Counts

This election is not about someone else.  This election is about YOU and YOUR family. The decisions made by your elected officials in Washington, in Austin, and in Bexar County affect us all: 

  • When the issue of downsizing the economy comes up, remember, it’s not somebody else’s job they are talking about — It’s YOUR job! 

  • When the issue of pre-existing conditions comes up, it’s not somebody else’s health care coverage they are talking about — it’s YOUR health care! 

  • When the issue of tuition tax credits comes up, it’s not someone else’s education they are taking money from — it’s YOUR children’s education! 


If you care about your neighborhood schools, potholes on your street, the safety of your communities .... VOTE!!! AND then hold your elected officials accountable. 


For the last comparable election in Bexar county in 2014, only 109,430 voters out of 916,408 registered voters cast their ballot. 88% of the registered voters DIDN’T VOTE


Will you allow a SMALL MINORITY of voters to decide your and your family’s future? VOTE! Your vote could make a difference.

Do you think ONE VOTE doesn’t make a difference?

  • Campaigning for a seat on the Massachusetts Governor’s Council on the day of the primary in 1988, Herbert Connolly lost track of time — and got to his polling place too late to vote. When the ballots were counted that night, he’d lost by one vote.

  • Marcus Morton was elected Governor of Massachusetts in 1839 by one vote out of 102,066 casts.

  • A Lansing, Michigan, school district bond issue was defeated in 1989 when the final count produced a tie vote. As a result, the school district had to reduce its budget by $2.5 million.




Important decisions that affect us all have been made because of very few votes.

  • Congress voted to admit Texas to the union in 1845 by a two-vote margin.

  • Women won the right to vote in 1920 by the passage of the 19th amendment to the Constitution. Tennessee was the last state needed to pass the amendment. One 24-year representative, Harry Burn, changed his vote and the Tennessee legislature ratified the amendment by a vote of 49 - 47.

  • A tie vote in the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1997 defeated a bill to reinstate the death penalty. The tie came about when one representative, who had voted earlier for the death penalty, changed his mind.

  • One vote in the U.S. Senate saved President Andrew Johnson from impeachment conviction in 1868.



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