Local/State - Our Vote if You Will...
The Deaf community has long been ignored by candidates seeking elected office. In Bexar County, it is estimated that there are over 120,000 people of voting age who are Deaf or hard of hearing. Most of them will not receive or clearly comprehend your message if it is only in print. If you wish to reach them, you must communicate your message in their language.
This short video will tell you which issues matter most to those voters in Bexar County who are Deaf or hard of hearing. After you watch it, please let us know your position on these issues. We will post your responses on No Barriers Communication website, www.nobacomm.org
Support legislation that will prohibit insurance companies from conducting business in Texas that deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions?
Propose or support a plan which will expand access to affordable, comprehensive healthcare coverage for people who are Deaf or hard of hearing and provide help TO those with significant out-of-pocket costs that insurance will not cover?
Improve the Medicaid program, including ensuring access to home- and community-based services and the elimination of bias toward institutional services in the Medicaid program?
Protect all existing Medicaid services under any block grant or per capita spending system?
Support and vote in favor of the Alice Cogswell and Anne Sullivan Macy Act, which would amend the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requiring states to identify, evaluate, and provide special education and related services to children who are Deaf or hard of hearing?
Involve Deaf and hard of hard of hearing individuals in your campaign activities in order to ensure that your message to voters on your position about important issues is clearly and accurately communicated to those within the Deaf and hard of hearing community?